LEGO Flower Bouquet 10280

LEGO Flower Bouquet 10280


• The LEGO® Flower Bouquet (10280) building kit makes a unique gift or mindful project, creating a beautiful flower display model made entirely from LEGO pieces. Please note, a vase is not included.
• This flower bouquet delivers a vibrant display of colors and interesting shapes, inspired by real flowers such as roses, snapdragons, poppies, asters, daisies and grasses.
• The stems come in a variety of lengths. As a guide, the ‘snapdragon’, with its straight stem, measures over 14 in. (36 cm) high.
• As the first ever LEGO® Flower Bouquet, this set includes a host of new colors and shapes that adult LEGO fans will love.
• The flowers are created from over 17 unusual LEGO® elements with realistic petal shapes and colors, to create an unexpected display that is sure to make people look twice.

*Showroom quantity is limited

*In-store pick up or local delivery available.

Call us for a shipping quote 1-800-834-8770

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• Let your imagination bloom with customizable elements. Position the petals and leaves, then change the lengths of the stems to create wonderful arrangements for the home.
• Looking for the best gifts for birthdays, anniversaries or special occasions? The LEGO® Flower Bouquet set makes a special and unusual gift for friends, loved ones, or yourself, at any time of year.

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