the green door
Created a Heinz 57 mix of left over paint. Hoped I made enough because I didn’t record the ratios ;)
The existing door was not sanded down. It was a botched painting attempt 20 years ago. All I did for prep was a TSP wash.
Painted the inner panels first, then the borders. took 2 coats for great coverage.
….and the finished look! If the weather holds I will be adding a dark wax for effect. The Fusion Paint will hold up well on it’s own.
The Green Door
prep: just a wash of TSP Alternative. Nothing more.
paint: Mix of Fusion Mineral Paint’s Pressed Fern, Little Star and Ash (don’t ask me the ratio)
coats: 2 (used about 1/4 pint of paint in total)
finish: nothing yet but I might use a dark wax for effect
time it took me: 1.5 hours from prep to paint
brush: Zibra 2” angled palm brush
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