The hazards of finding a new hobby.

I tend to be one of those types of people that either observe or go all in with no “dabbling” in the middle. As crazy as my life is, and as many plates I have spinning in the air, I have renewed my passion for upcycling furniture.

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In theory, I feel like I am doing my part for the environment by not seeing random furniture thrown away but honestly, it’s just fun and creative. In theory, I am supposed to be moving them on once finished. In theory, one keeps their hobbies to themselves and in theory, I only work on one piece at a time.

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The reality is, that as much as I am conscious of my environmental impact of “saving” stray furniture and using green products, my loosely laid rules are out the window. I tend to want to keep everything I work on, I am faster at collecting than working on them and I depend on the kindness of Rod & Alex to pick them up most times.

Looks like yet again I have managed to find more quality time with the fam.

Laura Moore